Wednesday 9 March 2011

Inspirational Artists

In the second installment of the series all to do with who and what I find inspiring in the music industry today, I will be focusing on my top two Inspirational recording artists. These two artists share the same passion and commitment to music which makes me even more willing to support them with new music releases and  their lives outside of music.

1. David Archuleta

It may not come as a surprise to you that, once again, David Archuleta gets a mention! We live in a world where it is all too common for people in the media spotlight to take advantage of their situation and behave in a way in which is completely unacceptable, no matter how famous they might be. David Archuleta has never done this and without a doubt, he will never use his position to encourage negative or controversial press. He shows so much poise and dignity when taking part in interviews, and even when he is meeting the fans or making one of his highly anticipated YouTube video blogs, we can see how grateful he really is for his opportunity to make inspirational music. We know that he really cares about the fans and society as a whole due to the vast amount of time he takes personally speaking to his fans and actively raising money for the many excellent charities he chooses to support like Rising Star Outreach and Childrens Miracle Network. I talked to a group of eleven and twelve year old girls this week and many of them said that their musical idol was a certain young teenage boy with what they could only describe as "magical hair". I think you all realise who they happened to be talking about. Although they are entitled to their own opinion, I take the view that people like David Archuleta are more worthy of their love and support, don't you?

2. Adele

Adele knows what vocal perfection is and still manages to take her performances up to the next level. I have been a fan of her ever since she won the Critics' Choice Award at the Brit Awards 2008 and have enjoyed watching her go from strength to strength to conquer the US music charts. There is something incredibly refreshing about singers who can do what they do best without pulling any stunts to gain press exposure. Her voice has so many different dimensions and the viewers at home genuinely never get bored of watching her perform live on stage. She captures the attention of the audience with just her mind blowing voice and makes it seem as though pre-scripted movement or dancing is completely unnecessary. What I like is the fact that although it hasn't been an easy ride for Adele, she has finally got the recognition that she deserves all around the world. I love that other recording artists are full of praise about her album 21 and her current single. When other influential artists speak out and say that they look up to you and your music, you know that you are doing something right! We all know she has a bright future ahead of her and her fan base will continue to grow over the next coming months because of her great vocals.

There is so much more I could say about these talented, socially aware artists. I encourage you to think about the inspirational figures in your life which continue to make a positive impact on the world, or even just in your neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. Your "Inspirational Artists" blog really caught my eye. How refreshing to find a blogger who takes the time to recognize and appreciate the qualities of singers like David Archuleta and Adele. I too enjoy the music of both these artists and respect that they are true to themselves and haven't got sucked into the hype of the music business. Their audiences easily identify with them as people and as singers because they are genuine and they concentrate their careers on their true passions, the 'music'. They've both achieved immense musical success and have managed to remain completely grounded and I salute them. Thanks for this thought-provoking blog.
